Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

On December 26th my true love gave to me... a set of resolutions to ponder!!

Okay, so my true love didn't really give me a set of resolutions to ponder, but I am thinking about the new year that is just around the corner. While I am not really one for resolutions, I do appreciate a well thought out goal and the opportunity for a new beginning. January is a great time for both, so I have created this little worksheet to get your resolution juices flowing!! With less than a week to January 1st, it's time to start thinking about what we want to accomplish in the 2013!

Download your copy HERE.

I only added room for 3 resolutions, but you could use these as loose categories, or as the resolutions themselves. I also added places for you to state your goal, how you're going to reach it, and what you will do to reward yourself once you get there. When you fill it out, though, don't just file it away... keep it out where you can see it so that you can actually track and reach your goal! A tracked goal is a reached goal. A filed goal is... worthless.

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